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mahayag,san miguel bohol, region VII, Philippines
Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself." -- Chinese Proverb .......I'm just a simple girl with unique personality....

Saturday, February 5, 2011

LB #12 The Power of Films, Video and TV in the Classroom

Watching television or watching video is a common entertainment for the people of today. But, maybe sometimes, we just can't notice that they are educational in many ways. For instance when we are watching news in television which keeps us updated in the happenings in our country. And watching films has it's advantages as well; it can help improve our communication skill especially in using the English language. Above all, viewing movies in the class is very useful in helping the students learn the lessons easily. It can also make them to be interested in the subject because watching a movie is also entertaining. 
  But, the teacher should always have a reason in letting his/her student watch a film or movie, it should be related  in his or her lessons.

LB #11 Making The Most of Community Resources and Field Trips

Field trip is best applicable if you want your learner to be exposed on real things or movements that is found on your lesson that you want to clarify with them for them to experience it themselves.
 Having field trips must undergo a process of planning to avoid some disturbances, and they are as follows:

  • know the place your going to go and have a map for your guide.
  • There should be a tour guide who will introduce upon arriving at the place.
  • Be on time
  • Students have the opportunity to obtain answer to their questions.
"What I hear, I forget, What I see, I remember", field trips are opportunities for rich and memorable experiences which are fundamentals to learning last. It enables the students to learn beyond what is written and found in their books. It serves as an application on what they've read and hear from their teacher. It brings some realization to the learners tht may lead to changing their attitudes, insight and perspective.

  1. It is costly
  2. It involves logistics
  3. Extravagant with time
  4. Contains an element of uncertainty
If I'm going to have a field trip, I should plan it ahead of time so that I can inquire and negotiate our transportation with a discount. I'll propose a plan that serves as an overview of what will be going on if my students will join. As a teacher, I should think also if the trip is really needed and applicable on the subject matter.